Teeth Grinding Can Cause A Variety Of Tooth And Jaw Issues
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Why Is Bruxism Bad?

Bruxism refers to any type of forceful contact between the teeth. This can be a loud and grating contact or a silent and clenching contact. Either form can cause serious damage to the teeth.

Bruxism Can Cause:

  • Tooth Fracture
  • Loosening of Teeth
  • Loss of a Tooth or Teeth
  • Teeth Wear
  • TMJ

Chronic Jaw Pain Can Come

From Bruxism

Can I Prevent Bruxism?

While the exact cause of bruxism is unknown, there are things you can do to help prevent teeth grinding throughout the day and before bed.

  • Cut back or eliminate foods that contain caffeine from your diet.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid parafunctional habits, meaning do not chew on anything that is not food.
  • Pay attention to your mouth.
  • Relax your jaw before bed.

Bruxism Teeth Grinding

Treatments for Bruxism in Scottsdale, AZ

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a condition that should not be ignored. Although the causes are unknown, it is apparent that bruxism can lead to serious complications such as misalignment and gum recession. Patients who suffer from habitual teeth grinding in Scottsdale, AZ are encouraged to contact Dr. Alison P. Schwartz for treatment.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism refers to any type of forceful contact between the teeth such as grinding or clenching. While it most often occurs during sleep, it can happen during the day as well. It can also affect both adults and children. While the causes of bruxism are unknown, doctors do know that alcohol, some medications, and certain sleep disorders can contribute. Stress and illness can also increase the severity of teeth grinding or clenching.

What are the effects of bruxism?

Mild cases of bruxism usually do not cause significant damage to the teeth or jaw. However, chronic teeth grinding can place excessive pressure on certain areas and cause problems such as tooth fractures, loose teeth, misalignment, gum recession, and even tooth loss. Without treatment, patients who constantly grind their teeth can severely wear down the chewing surfaces and require fillings, bridges, crowns, or other prosthetics to correct the issue. There is also a risk of damaging your jaw, as well. Teeth grinding can eventually cause hearing loss, facial collapse, and TMJ disorders.

How is bruxism treated?

In some cases, bruxism will correct itself over time. However, if this does not occur, there are several treatment options available. One solution is to wear an occlusal guard at night to reduce the amount of contact between teeth, which will help to minimize the effects of this condition. Another method is to try exercise, stress counseling, or prescription muscle relaxers depending on the severity of teeth grinding. Other solutions include:

  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Reducing caffeine intake
  • Avoiding the chewing of nonedible objects
  • Using a warm cloth to relax your jaw before sleep

If bruxism becomes chronic, it can be a very debilitating condition, so it is best to seek treatment at the onset. To learn more about how to treat teeth grinding in Scottsdale, AZ, contact Dr. Schwartz to schedule your consultation today!

If you want to have a gorgeous smile and enjoy a lifetime of exquisite dental health, visit the practice of Alison P. Schwartz, DDS. Dr. Schwartz and her caring team who pride themselves on providing Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Paradise Valley Village the highest quality dental care.

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